Whopping Day 11

Yes... Day 11. It's been quite sad barely doing anything with the project (very sad). But, I was able to do some decent stuff and what I mean is just deleting 5 line/blocks code and adding 1 line/block of code. Nothing wrong. Last time worked perfectly just did some bug fixing and ya. Now the status blah blah I discussed earlier in the past devlog was actually done on that day and I just polished it today which is already updated. Now there is still no tutorial to show the weakness so I will just place it here. 

The weakness is attacking it a lot of times then it will become vulnerable and weak. Though it's random about how many it attacks (minimum being 4 attacks) after it will become that status so use the inspect. Once you know it is vulnerable, super it (which destroys it by a whopping 15 HP)! Now I brought back again the super though I am not sure if I ever took it out. I mean it's been a long time since I went back even though it was just a week. 

Other than that, I think I would be changing the health bar. Sorry to the health bar fans out there and I know what you might be thinking. "Well Pokemon did it in the Gameboy, why can't you do it?".  Simple question to simple answer, I don't know. I just feel the road to finishing the game is a lot simpler if I just changed it to numbers. It's even more accurate! I mean that looks more slick and all though it will slow the process down since making even a slight change on the amount of the health bar is super tricky and currently, I don't think so it's even possible. I mean okay, they did it but I can't because of the limitations of my engine. I can't make a health bar higher than 80 though I think the full maximum would be around 105! I know it might sound a lot but then you know, I am not using top notch AI and since the battle is the heart of the game, you would be easily sailing killing monsters with this high health. Also, I just realized if we took out the health bar, I will have a lot more space left to add more animation and immersiveness to the game. So ya. That's the long essay of it.

Also I think I also need to discuss about the timeline of the production of the game. I think I can't finish the game in the Devtober period. Though don't worry since I will still work after the jam to polish it even more. Therefore, 'til now. Buh-bye...


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Oct 19, 2021

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